No Grant No Fee

Based in Nottingham since 1991, we have successfully provided grants consultancy to hundreds of companies throughout the UK.

Expert Advice

Once you’re on board, we regularly check you are taking advantage of all the relevant funding schemes.

Arts & Voluntary Sector

No Grant, No Fee advice and bid-writing for Arts, Sports and Charitable Organisations

Easy Applications

Completing applications isn’t fun or easy. We handle it because you’ve got better things to do.

We particularly welcome enquiries from:

Firms involved in R&D projects.

Charities or not-for-profits considering Big Lottery funding.

Arts Organisations, including music studios.

Farmers and landowners.

Next Deadlines:

Leaders in grant consultancy

A selection of the schemes to which we have recently made successful applications:

Our Fees

There is no up-front fee. We charge a ‘success fee’ on a sliding scale.

For grants offered up to £75,000 = 10%

For grants offered between £75,000 and £250,000 = 10% + 5% of part higher than £75,000

For grants offered above £250,000 = 3%

Other services are charged on a case-by-case basis.

Who We Are

Paul Abel MA MPhil (Cantab), was formerly the National Grants Consultant with PKF, the international firm of Chartered Accountants.

He has been involved in more than 60 successful grant applications with a total value of more than £5.5 million over the past 10 years. He specialises in National Lottery Grants and European Research and Development Programmes.

For some claims, the Grants Centre needs to call upon Chartered Accountants to provide professional certification. For this purpose, we work with Berkeley Lifford Hall, advisers based in Corsham, Wiltshire.


Grants Consultancy.

Business Plans and Feasibility Studies.

Governance Documents (Constitutions, Quality Assurance manuals etc).

Grant-assisted Project Management.

ISO90001: 2015 Consultancy and Internal Audits

Some of our recent and current clients

Contact Us

Either phone 07973 169820 for a preliminary discussion, or complete the form below and we will reply or phone you within 24 hours.

Alternatively you can email me at directly on